Monday, November 20, 2006

32 days and counting. . .

I did not sleep well last night. Have you ever had your sleep interrupted in the midst of a dream? Well, that was my case except it was several different disturbing dreams. I guess I should welcome the interruptions and be thankful I am awake now. I don't have work or school this week. (The online reprieve is just for the online discussion...I have a LOT of reading still to do and a huge exam next Tuesday!)

Even before I get my coffee, I turn on my computer and check my email. This morning my son Steven (who's been in Japan working for the past 17 months) emailed me. His words are always poetic and full of meaning. He is anticipating my arrival in 32 days!

This will be my second trip to Japan except this time I leave before Christmas. It will be strange not to be home with my family. But, I will spend this Christmas with Steven and his girlfriend. Then we will visit Kyoto. Steven said it's been raining non-stop and that the weather is cooling off. I remember the cold from last time so this time I will be better prepared.

I miss Steven so much. He still has another year from June since his contract was renewed. With Cristina leaving in June and him still gone...the house will feel emptier. Phillip is still here but hardly ever really home. I suppose if I can handle a son in Japan, I can handle having a daughter in Michigan. Michigan is a lot closer!

So now preparations begin. I will be decorating the house earlier and making sure the Christmas shopping is done in time! (Jeff and I have spent many a Christmas Eve nights STILL wrapping!)
I need to make a list...check it twice and make sure I get it all done!

32 days and counting...

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