Tuesday, November 25, 2008


No, these are not some magical Lotto numbers that you should play. (Although, if you do and you win, then, I would like to know!)

The picture above represents what I have on my desk right now! Well, I googled the picture by searching "stack of papers." I think my real pile is slightly taller and bigger!

My journey of going back to school to get my degree began in the fall of 2001. In fact, it was a month or so before 9-11. That year was a pivotal year for me. I had made the decision to go back to school and get my degree. Little did I know that this decision would take me this long. Well, working full time and going the traditional route wasn't pribably the best way to do it. Add in a busy family schedule and all the other stuff that life throws at you and you get what I got!

Tears, smiles, frustrations, joy, success, failure, fear, exhiliration, impatience, paptience, growth, wisdom, character, tenacity, perserverence, endurance, anger, love....just about every one of these words describes what I have felt in the past 7 years.

My pace picked up in 2003 when I quit my corporate job and took a part-time office job at my daughter's high school. It was by far--the best move I had ever made!
Even if everyone thought I was a bit crazy to give up the good salary and position I had at the time in a major corporation....but if you knew me then, you'd agree and say that the corporate life was sucking the life out of me...

I have saved every class's notes, tests, projects and assignments. I probably have most of the books too. I have a hard time letting go of things I invest so much of myself into...(this translates into boxes full of papers and notebooks!)

The past 2 years, I have attended Hope International University in Fullerton. This accelerated degree program nearly sent me off the edge a few times and--even as I write this- I am deliberately avoiding work on one of my final research papers.

Papers! Ugh! I have lost count of all the papers I have written....enough--if combined--for a few dissertations and at least one major thesis!
(Just wait until I start my graduate prgram next summer!)

So, what are those dates that title this post?
--13 days until my last class is OVER
--18 days until my graduation! (I am getting a B.S. in Human Development)
--24 days until we leave for Japan to go to my son's wedding!

What a way to end the year-eh?

Well...I best get back to work....Ugh!

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