Thursday, March 27, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted. Easter has come and gone...I got to see my daughter over Easter weekend and that was awesome. She's been calling me "mother" and referring to her daddy as "father"...she's a freshman in college and so I just chalk it up to growing up. I miss her calling me mommy....When I email her or text her on the phone, I still sign my name as "mommy"

Once a mommy, always a mommy...right? My sons have always called me "mom" and continue to do so.

What was nice about seeing her is that she did slip a few times and either call me or refer to me as "mommy"...which made me happy!

So, as I continue to move forward with my life as a mother/mom/mommy with no children under my roof to take care of...I realize even more just how precious that part of my life really was.

Sometimes, I wonder how on earth I ever managed to make it all work with a full time job, soccer, baseball, school, homework, birthday parties, sleep overs, measles, flus, colds, toys everywhere, cooking, cleaning, and my favorite, LAUNDRY!

If you are reading this today, and you are a mom, know this....cherish the moments you have with your little ones....really enjoy them. If you can, I encourage you to journal some of your thoughts. I wish I did!

My heart goes out to the rest of the women who would give anything to be a mom...I can't even begin to fathom your pain but certainly empathize with you. My youngest brother and his wife have tried for 9 long years to have a baby and finally succeeded! My one and only nephew just turned one! What a blessing this has been to our whole family. I can see the joy in their eyes when they are with me it seems even more pronounced because of how much it took for them to have him.

Our God is an awesome God and He knows the plans He has for us...if we are to become a mother-mom-mommy....if it's in His plan, so shall it be. I pray that God's will continues to prevail.

In the meantime, I am off to run some errands since I have the day's just me and the dog at home since my hubby is at work.

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