Sunday, April 20, 2008

Is it really Sunday?

The weekend flew by. It's amazing just how the weekend came and went. Perhaps it's the schoolwork that makes my time fly....there's ALWAYS a paper, a book to read, a test to take. Add to it the work stuff, laundry, housework, and everything else....
and then there's sleep--not enough of it.

So, before I brave yet another task, I thought I'd have some fun with the new Shelfari feature which shows you what I am currently reading: The 2 books for ethics are for my new class....they are quite ineresting. Since the class is a mere 5 weeks though, we are reading them fast! The One Year Bible has been in the works for more than one year. Every time I have started it, I end up failing miserably and then get behind. Anyone else have that issue? I have to work harder at this...It has to become a non-negotiable daily must (kind of like brushing your teeth...)

Then, I just started "The Shack" and I can't seem to put it down. A friend at work highly recommended it....boy, was she ever right! I won't say more....but this: It's a MUST READ!

Cheerios for now!

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