Sunday, February 24, 2008


There's something special about a rainy day spent home. The constant drizzle has not stopped since late last night when we got home. I eagerly anticipated going to bed and cuddling up in my warm (pre-heated) bed!

I fell asleep long before I finished praying. What happens to those prayers. God?
I usually awaken once or twice in the night being a light sleeper but not last night. Even our dog slept in well past 8am and when I opened my eyes, I saw that it was past 8am....the heater downstairs was going strong, and the air in our bedroom felt cool as I reached my arm outside the blankets. I contemplated getting up and just laid there, listening to the falling's still raining.

My hubby was still dozing so I got up to let Tippy out and to make some coffee....the routine is pretty set.

So, as this morning slowly continues to pass, the rain also continues to fall lightly. As much as I love the rain on days like this, I also miss the warm sun on my face.

Lots to do today but I am not feeling completely motivated...snuggling on the couch with a warm blanket and a good book (the kind you read for fun and not because you have to--ie: for school)

Digging my toes deeper into my UGG slippers....I yawn. We'll see.
Ciao for now

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