Sunday, December 17, 2006

Only 5 days till...Japan

At this time of year, the usual phrase ends with Christmas. Well, in my case, it's a different countdown. To describe the sense of busyness that I've experienced is tough. I am not sure that I can do it justice in fact.

Between school....and life, there hasn't been much more than my online class preoccupying my time and my mind. What further complicated manners is that my second online class is overlapping the finish of the first one.

Just to give you a glimpse of one day, here's yesterday's recap:

  • Woke up at 4:45am
  • ran 17.5 miles
  • celebrated a special person's Birthday
  • Took a shower
  • inhaled an In n Out #2!
  • Finished 10 page research paper
  • Going to bed at 11:30pm
The good news is I don't run 17.5 miles every day! The research paper was frustrating because I absolutely had no clue how to format the MLA style. I have no problem writing, it's just the mechanics of it.

So, it surprises me that I got up early. I was hoping to sleep in. After teaching Sunday school, I need to come home and make a list for my upcoming trip,
What to pack and what to bring. I leave Friday for Japan to go visit Steven, my oldest son.
I am so excited but have hardly had a moment to relish the feeling. As I was driving home from my running this morning, I passed by LAX and for a few seconds got the butterflies!
Truly, that was the first time it hit me...I've been too busy to notice?

Christmas preparations are at a standstill. I've done minimal Christmas shopping and have not even sent out the cards! Every year, I resolve to get the tree up on December 1st, send out cards the same week and have all the shopping done and wrapped a week prior! HA! What great intentions....

As I sit and type this, I am looking out my window and can see the sun reflecting on my neighbor's tile roof. It rained most of last night and today it is supposed to pour. I suppose the weather man is wrong again? I see few clouds in the blue sky. Who knows, it could change!

I feel a yawn coming on, so I think I will crawl back into bed and catch another hour or so of sleep. It's going to be another long day...I may even take a nap later! (I usually need one after my long runs on Saturday)

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