Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Time does really fly...

I've been to Japan and really sick, (some say it WAS the bird flu)eventually recovered and managed to get one 20.5 mile in for the marathon (which is this Sunday!)
So, this is what happens when you start a blog that no one really reads...but, I've decided to go ahead and resume with my own musings and ramblings.
I can't believe that the marathon has finally arrived. It's been a long 7 months of training. The difference this year has been all of the friends I've made. Something is very unique about people who share a passion for running even though they have quite different backgrounds and lifestyles.

I've met four really awesome ladies who also happen to be pace leaders. In fact, there are three of us who live close enough to car pool on Saturdays...we've all become real close!

This is one thing that I've been wanting for a while....closer female friends. You know, when life gets hectic and stressful and no one really understands....we need to have some someones we can go to for a heart to heart.

I find that with them, I can open myself up and just be me. I am accepted and loved unconditionally and honestly. Friendships like this are awesome and priceless!

So, back to Japan! I had an awesome time being with my son....I am so proud of him and of his success at work and personal independence in a foreign land. His Japanese has evolved even more and he conversed like a native. I even met his girlfriend (soon to be fiancee!) We visited some different places and stayed a few days in Kyoto where I was transformed into a Maiko (geisha) within a few hours.
I now have been affectionately nicknamed by some of my friends as works well with my name.
My 12 days finally came to an end and I had to come back home. I was torn between wanting to stay and missing home so much that I also couldn't wait to go home...I tried not to cry as much this time...but it was useless....hugging Steven one last time and knowing it was going to be at least another year before I saw him again....well, I think you can see why I was so sad.
It's been about a year and a half since he's gone to Japan....5,344 miles away. I am used to it now but still can't go a day without thinking of him. Then, I think about my little girl...(who is 17!) who is graduating from high school this summer and going out of state to college. I am not sure how I will feel because I get emotional now just thinking about it.
I can remember, when I was a young mom, reading a magazine for parents called Parenting and skimming through all those "How to deal with the empty nest syndrome" and thinking to myself how I had all the time in the world ahead of me...all I had to do was look around and see my 3 little boys and my baby girl ...and all their toys and books strewn across the house....Ah...yes, those WERE the good ol'days! I miss my days as a young mom when I had no time to read and do nothing...feeling stretched in all directions and always going to some soccer practice, school event or friend's house....Those were the days.
Every night, I relished my little good night routine...tucking each one in, one by one. Some nights, that could take almost a half hour....they each had a story for me or needed a glass of water...or a worry to discuss.
I even had to tuck in the marshmallow man, the teddy bears and bunny. I never rushed these moments...I knew they were not going to last forever.
Because, time does really fly.
So, as I mentally prepare myself to go 26.2 miles...I will need to rely on some of these memories through the tough spots...especially towards the last 3-4 miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi olga, your back....Just wanted you to know someone IS reading your words. I enjoy reading about you and your life. I remember when your kids were little. Time does really fly by. That photo of you is great. I still know it's you. That must have been fun. Good luck on your run. Jackie