Sunday, February 1, 2009

What does the Superbowl and love have to do with my post???

I slept in (needed it!) Last week was tough--emotionally-spiritually...I had all intentions to make it to church but that didn't happen. I have such guilt feelings about not going to church (some say it's that left over Catholic guilt thing--who knows) I read my daily devotional and today's message was based on the famous "love" passage:

"Love is patient...kind...does not envy...does not not not not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs..."
(1 Corinthians 13:4, 5).

The last time I heard this passage being preached was in Japan for my son's wedding last month. Needless to say, the timing for it today was right...

I don't deal very well with being hurt by someone I love dearly and then having that person not say a thing...not apologizing for hurting me...acting like nothing happened.

Even after 20 years of marriage...there are those times when things get said (yelled) in anger, and after the week I had, I wasn't ready for the spat my hubby and I had the other night.

So, when I read the part that says: " keeps no record of wrongs...", I cringed.
"Is not self-seeking.." Ouch...the truth hurts.

Is this what I do when I wait to hear him say "I'm sorry"???
Those 3 words are easier for me to utter than he...and I guess I hear that many men have an issue with saying the same three little words.

Then I wonder how do I keep on going beyond the silence and his acting like nothing happened? How do I reconcile with myself and find the joy that I so desperately yearn to feel?

I guess God knew I needed this reminder this morning. My son's marriage began with this verse and my marriage needs to also continue with its powerful words on a daily basis. It's that constant battle within me that makes me waver between what is right and what is better. I need to remove my inward focus and look beyond to what is better in the long run regardless of what he decides to do (or not do).

My dad continues to remind me (teach me) that I should not place any expectation on anyone...ever. To have expectations is to remain vulnerable to being disappointed and hurt.'s not easy I tell him even though he is so right.

This post is an affirmation of where I am right now at this moment. The house is quiet...except for the occasional barking of my dogs. The sun is out and the sky is blue...2 doves are quietly singing to each other as I peck the keys on my key board.

The washer is humming it's super fast spin cycle and will soon beckon me to move the wet clothes into the dryer...

So, what is the rest of my day going to be?

Well, let's just say that it's going to be a quiet one...just me and the dogs. My hubby flew to Arizona today for a business meeting on Monday. He gets to have some "guy time" watching the game with his buddy that lives there. The space will be good--it always is. I have to be thankful that he did kiss me good bye and he did say he loved me...and even sat with me to have a cup of coffee before leaving.

So, I made my list of stuff that needs to get done:

*One load of laundry (colors)
*Grocery shopping for the week
*Get teachers' lesson plans for next week (online)
*Prepare this week's lessons for my math kids
*Organize my office

Well, the list is kind of long...maybe I will pass on the office....the rest are all musts!

Tomorrow is a big oldest son (in Japan) turns 27! I am trying not to feel too old....'cause I am "only" 48!

I hope your Superbowl Sunday is Super!

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