Sunday, December 7, 2008

Almost done...

It's almost too good to be true. A week from today I may be just reading a book (one that I want to read and not one that I have to read for a class) or maybe taking a nap on the futon while I wait for a load of laundry to finish doing its thing.

I am about to start up again--on my final paper--I have about 10 pages left to edit one last time and type up. This paper has been interesting and it definitely has sparked my interest into using the topic for my Masters Thesis...but I won't worry much about that right now....that's a ways away--next summer.

Right now, I need to remain focused, finish and post it. How am I going to feel once I hit that "send" button? Exhilarated? Relieved? Content??? Who knows....I know I won't feel sad about it. Will I go through school withdrawal? Will it be like being pregnant for 9 months and having the post-partum blues one sometimes gets?
Or, the post-marathon blues I have experienced after training for 7 months and then finishing a 26.2 mile marathon? The cure for that is to keep on running and to put another marathon on the calendar to work toward.

No, I don't think so...we are talking 7 years! 7 long years mixed with family, kids, work, house, and school...not an easy, not at all.

This will be a very special week...on Friday we are going to the Graduation Banquet which will be real nice...My dad and Joan will join Jeff and me for a night of recognition and a lovely dinner...all my professors are supposedly going to be there too. Then, Saturday morning, is the official Graduation Ceremony....Cap and gown and all. (The last time I did that was for my two AA degrees in 2006.(Yup! Almost 3 AA degrees with all the units I've taken.)

Time to hit the case study paper awaits completion. The sooner I finish, the sooner I get to bask in my own glory of being DONE!!!!

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