Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Beginnings...indeed.

The year is off to a better start than the end of the year. My dad is doing well and has a follow up appointment in a month to see about a potential bypass procedure. He also had a birthday a few days ago and celebrated 77 years! I am going to be interviewing him about his life and recording his responses so that I can begin writing a book about his life. I am in awe each time he pulls out yet another scrap book filled with pictures, news paper clippings etc. of numerous statues, monuments, films....etc. etc....He even has a statue in the Vatican in Rome!

My dad has always been a quietly modest man and never boasted of his accomplishments. I think it's time that the world sees just all he has stay tuned as this will be my first attempt at writing a biographical book. My dad has always told me that he knew that I was destined to become a writer of books. My schedule is pretty hectic so it will be a feat to make time here and there to even begin this project...

So what's new? My son in Japan has renewed his contract for another year....I was hoping that he would decide to come home after 2 and a half years....but this isn't the case....Hopefully he will come home in May for a short visit. 5,000+ miles is too far and I miss him so much. He calls often but it's not the same.

My daughter is back in her dorm and really enjoying her first year in college. It was nice to have her home...but I feel like I didn't get to spend much time with her since I was with my dad so much...I read her blog daily to see what she's up to. I am so proud of her! She's become quite an accomplished knitter too....

So, with the new year....old resolutions surface:

*establishdaily devotions/Bible study
*lose some weight
*start running again (no more marathons!)
*Spend more time with friends
*complete my degree! (10/08!)
*Clean out my closet
*purge the "closet" <----this closet-in my office-- is the "catch all and needs to be cleaned out!
*Start my dad's Biography
*Blog more regularly
*Read my books
*Play my guitar

I think this is plenty to start off...I may tweak this list later!


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