Saturday, September 1, 2007

"Room 2"

The past 2 weeks have been filled with meetings....with teachers, principals, parents and even with God. The funnest part has been setting up my room: bulletin boards, walls, my desk...

It's been super hot and unfortunately I don't have air conditioning in my room but only some fans that don't help much. The temperature gauge showed 90 yesterday! I hope it cools off soon.

My mind has been going a million miles a minute and I wake in the middle of the night to jot things down on a list. Last night, I kept trying to figure out how I was going to work out my Lesson plan book with all the different classes...Tabs, different color tabs and dividers....I finally figured it out and dozed back to sleep.

Is it a blessing or a curse to be a perfectionist? I am beginning to think that it's a curse. I need to learn how to let go and take it easy...(easier said than done)

So with all this business, meetings, organizing, etc...I find myself talking to God a lot more but the conversations are one-sided and usually frantic. I need to slow down enough to spend adequate time in quiet study with the Word and God. My mind keeps reminding me of that verse in the Bible found in Psalm 46:10 about "Being still and know that I am God" and another verse that says "with God all things are possible" so why should I waste my time worrying???

Tonight, I decided to go with my hubby out to dinner with my was nice to get away from my piles of papers, the computer, my school work and have a nice dinner...we walked by the water and it was still in the low 80's. We found an ice cream place and I indulged and had a cone! What a treat...

It's almost 10pm and I am tired...Read my daughter's blog and I have to agree with her when she said she was so tired with all her college related activities....and classes hadn't started yet!
Both her and I will wake up on Tuesday morning next week to face a whole new way of life...

Stay tuned........

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